Complaints Policy and Procedure

Alberta Museums Association Complaints Policy and Procedure

The Alberta Museums Association (AMA) is committed to providing quality service for its members and working in an open and accountable way. One of the ways in which the AMA can continue to improve our service is by listening and responding to the views of our members, customers, and stakeholders, including responding positively to complaints and correcting mistakes.


Our Commitment

The AMA defines a complaint as any expression of dissatisfaction with the AMA, a member of the AMA Secretariat, or a member of the AMA Board of Directors that relates to the AMA's work and that requires a formal response. This Policy and Procedure is intended to ensure that all complaints are handled fairly, consistently, and in a timely manner, and that, wherever possible, complaints are resolved confidentially and to the complainant's satisfaction.

This policy is limited to complaints received about the AMA's service, the AMA Secretariat, and the AMA Board of Directors. This policy does not cover complaints about AMA Members.

The AMA recognizes that issues or concerns not requiring a formal response may be raised with individual members of the AMA Secretariat or AMA Board of Directors. Where appropriate, the AMA will aim to resolve such issues and concerns quickly and informally.


AMA Complaints Procedure

You are encouraged to address issues informally by directly contacting the individual member of the AMA Secretariat or AMA Board of Directors with whom you have a concern or complaint. Informal complaints may be received verbally or in writing. Wherever possible, the AMA will aim to resolve complaints informally. 

If you are unable to resolve the issue informally, you should submit the complaint in writing to the Executive Director / CEO of the AMA. If the complaint is against the Executive Director / CEO, you should submit the complaint in writing to the President of the AMA Board of Directors. In your letter, you should set out the details of the complaint, the consequences for you as a result, and the remedy you are seeking. You can expect the complaint to be acknowledged within fourteen working days of receipt. You should receive an initial response and an explanation within four weeks. The AMA aims to resolve all matters as quickly as possible; however, inevitably some issues will be more complex and therefore require more time to be fully investigated. 

If you are not satisfied with the initial response to the complaint, you may ask for the complaint and the response to be independently reviewed. If the complaint is against the Executive Director / CEO or a Board Member, the President of the AMA will appoint two Board Members to investigate. If the complaint is against the President, the Executive Director / CEO of the AMA will appoint two Board Members to investigate.


Our Responsibility

The AMA's responsibility is to acknowledge the formal complaint in writing; respond within a stated period of time; deal reasonably and sensitively with the complaint; and take action where appropriate.


Complainant's Responsibility

A complainant's responsibility is to bring their complaint in writing to the AMA's attention, normally within eight weeks of the issue arising; explain the problem as clearly as possible; include any action taken to date; include the remedy being sought; allow the AMA a reasonable amount of time to deal with the matter; and recognize that some circumstances may be beyond the AMA's control.



Except in exceptional circumstances, every attempt will be made to ensure that both the complainant and the AMA maintain confidentiality. However, the circumstances giving rise to a complaint may be such that it is not possible to maintain confidentiality. Should this be the case, the situation will be explained to the complainant.


AMA Contact Information

General contact information for the AMA can be found here.

Contact information for individual members of the AMA Secretariat can be found here.

Contact information for the AMA Board of Directors can be found here.


Changes to This Policy

All changes to the AMA's complaints policy will be posted on The AMA's formal policy document can be found here.

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