Institutional Membership Survey
COVID-19 Impacts on Alberta Museums
The AMA is working to collect information in order to
advocate for museums and museum professionals who have been
affected by closures related to the COVID-19 pandemic. We
have distributed a survey to all Institutional Members of the AMA
in order to assess the financial and human resource impacts at
Alberta museums.
Our first priority is to ensure that our members
have the resources they need to stay healthy at this difficult time
while supporting operations. By completing this survey,
you are helping to shape how the AMA will advocate on behalf
of museums and museum professionals for the supports that you need
as our sector responds to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are asking Institutional Members to complete and submit the
survey for each month that the organization continues to be
If your institution did not receive a survey invitation, or if you
have questions or comments that you would like to discuss with the
AMA directly, please contact Jennifer Forsyth, Advancement Lead, at