Robert R. Janes Award for Social Responsibility

This Award is the vision of Dr. Robert R. Janes to support and
further the work of museums that are solving community issues and
promoting health and well-being. Together with the AMA, our
ambitious goal is to create vibrant and sustainable communities by
investing in programs that effect real social and environmental
change, and which have the potential to create public benefit on a
larger scale.
The Award is made possible through an ongoing donation from Dr.
Janes, and relies on matching community funding to continue
directly supporting museums that are true contributors to the
social, cultural, and enironmental fabric of Alberta. Award
recipients will be museums that do things differently,
demonstrating leadership in building museums as true community
spaces affecting our environmental and social landscapes.
Each year, a $3,000 award will be provided to one Alberta museum
that has worked with social service groups or community
stakeholders to create positive change for a locally identified
social or environmental issue. Funds are provided to support
museums with proven track records in order to investigate what
makes their programs work, scale up their activities, and create
models that will allow their innovative work to be replicated