HELP! Online Resources
These resources are intended to be used in conjunction with
HELP! An Emergency
Preparedness Manual for Museums, 2nd Edition. The updated
edition of this award-winning guide helps collecting organizations
prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies. It offers
expert, up-to-date guidance, and is designed to be a hands-on
reference book to be used for different points on the emergency
preparedness planning and response cycle.
The HELP! Online Resources were developed with funding
provided through the Museum Flood Funding Program. As a multi-year
initiative supported by Alberta Culture and Tourism, the Program
provided assistance to museums affected by the June 2013 floods,
and ensured at-risk museums are able to mitigate potential damage
in the event of future flooding emergencies. The AMA appreciates
the Government of Alberta's commitment to assisting flood-affected
cultural institutions.