Learning Opportunities

The AMA provides a variety of learning opportunities, including our Certificate in Museum Studies (CMS) program, a virtual webinar series, and other professional development opportunities.

To register for an open learning opportunity, please visit the Events page

For more information about the AMA's Learning Programs, please contact learning@museums.ab.ca

Please note that these schedules are subject to change at the discretion of the AMA.

Upcoming CMS Courses             

Collections Management (CMS 25 - 04)
March 3 - 28, 2025
Location: Online with four virtual meetings (March 6, 13, 20, 27)
Instructor: Breanna Suk

In this course, participants will learn about the policies and practices, and the skills needed to manage museum collections. This course moves from broad concerns related to public trust, cultural diversity, access and planning, through to issues in the areas of acquisitions, records management, and loans.

Registration has closed. 


Museums & Society (CMS 25 - 01)
June 27 - 28, 2025
Location: Kneehill Historical Museum, Three Hills, AB
Instructor: Mary Pinkoski  

This course re-examines the fundamental purpose and role of museums in society with a focus on the big picture. How do museums go beyond doing everything right to doing the right thing? This course will tie together the content from the rest of the program to explore the museum's role in community engagement, social responsibility, sustainability, and museums as agents of social change.

As of January 2024, Museums and Society is no longer a capstone course. Participants are no longer required to receive credit in all seven other courses before receiving credit in Museums and Society.

Registration will open April 2025.

Programming (CMS 25 - 07) With guest instructor Candace Matelic
July 7 - August 1, 2025
Location: Online with four virtual meetings (July 9, 16, 23, 30)
Instructors: Guest instructed by Candace Matelic with co-instructor Christine Moreland

Programming is the service a museum provides to the public to help interpret their collections from the visitor's point of view. Participants will learn how to enhance the range of opportunities museums offer to their communities. Topics covered will include audience research, customer service, planning, and evaluation.

Registration will open May 2025.

Preventive Conservation (CMS 25 - 06)
November 3 - 28, 2025
Location: Online with four virtual meetings (November 6, 13, 20, 27)
Instructors: Alison Freake and Carmen Li

The measures taken to care for and preserve museum collections are of vital importance. This course provides an introduction to preventive conservation (the actions taken to delay the deterioration of objects or to protect them from potential damage). Topics covered will include care and handling of museum collections, storage, managing the museum's environment, and pest control.

Registration will open September 2025.



To support greater Indigenous representation among museum professionals, the AMA is waiving the registration fee for online and in-person CMS courses for self-identified First Nations, Métis, and Inuit members of the AMA. Indigenous participants must have an active membership with the AMA prior to registering for the course. Indigenous participants must email learning@museums.ab.ca to secure their spot. Participants are registered on a first-come, first-served basis when course registration opens. There are limited spaces available.





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