Recognized Museum Program FAQ



Question: How do I know if my institution is eligible to participate in the Recognized Museum Program (RMP)?                                                                                                Answer: There are four eligibility requirements institutions must fulfill to participate in RMP:

  • Be an Institutional Member in good standing with the Alberta Museums Association (AMA);
  • Be open to the public a minimum of 200 hours a year;
  • Be a non-profit making institution; and
  • Have or use a tangible collection.


The first section of the Institutional Profile screens for these four requirements. You can also find content related specifically to eligibility here.



Question: My institution meets all the eligibility requirements, what do we do next?
Answer: The first thing all institutions submit is the Institutional Profile, which must be completed in advance of submitting an Application or Reapplication. Next, submit the Application, Reapplication, or Reapplication with Leader Application (deadline, November 30, annually) as is appropriate for your institution.

Question: How do I know if my institution should submit an Application or a Reapplication?
Answer: If your institution is not a current Recognized Museum, follow the Application process. If your institution is a current Recognized Museum, follow the Reapplication process.

Question: My institution is a Recognized Museum, how do I know if the Reapplication or Reapplication with Leader Application is the best option?
Answer: The 
Reapplication  is the condensed application to maintain your Recognized Museum designation for another five years. If your institution wants to maintain its Recognized Museum designation, the Reapplication is the route to take.
Reapplication with Leader Application is intended for institutions that want to model a leadership role among Recognized Museums. It includes eight pieces of Evidence in addition to the ten pieces of Core Evidence in the Reapplication. The additional Evidence demonstrates how your institution is a leader in the Alberta museum community. While the Reapplication with Leader Application is more work than the standard Reapplication, successful institutions attain designation as Recognized Museum Leader for eight years.

Question: Who determines if the Evidence meets the Minimum Requirements and best practice standards?
Answer: A Review Panel consisting of three AMA Individual Members in good standing assess the Evidence and determines what status to designate each institution. The Review Panellists are familiar with RMP and best practice standards, and must have at least four years experience working in the museum sector. More information about the Review Panels is available 

Question: What designations can my institution receive from the Review Panel?
Answer: The designations for Applications and Reapplications are Recognized Museum, Conditionally Recognized Museum, and Candidate in RMP.
The designations for Reapplication with Leader Applications are Recognized Museum Leader, Conditionally Recognized Museum Leader, Candidate Leader in RMP.
The full breakdown of the process and designations is available 
here .

Question: What resources will help us go through the application or reapplication process?
Answer: The  Standard Practices Handbook for Museums, 3rd Edition and HELP! An Emergency Preparedness Manual for Museums, 2nd Edition are invaluable resources for any institution participating in RMP. The Minimum Requirements and Standards for the Program come from these two publications, and the Review Panels use them as references when assessing Evidence. It is important to use the most up to date version of both publications. Both publications are available for purchase through the AMA's Bookstore.  There is also a fillable workbook for the 
Application Reapplication , and Leader Application. These will help your institution collect and prepare all required evidence in advance of submitting.


Institutional Profile

Question: When is the Institutional Profile due?
The Institutional Profile must be completed in advance of submitting an Application or Reapplication.

Question: Is there a workbook for the Institutional Profile?
Answer: No there is no workbook. The information you submit in the Institutional Profile provides the Review Panel with an overview of your institution so they can better understand and assess your Application or Reapplication. Instead of a workbook, there is a 
PDF of questions in the Institutional Profile so you can gather the required information before completing the form.

Question: My institution is already a Recognized Museum. Do I still need to complete the Institutional Profile before reapplying?
Answer: Yes. The Institutional Profile provides the AMA and the Review Panel with the most up to date information about your institution. Completing the Institutional Profile helps you prepare for your Reapplication and helps the AMA to assist institutions that have undergone significant change in the past five years.

Question: How long will it take to complete the Institutional Profile?
Answer: This depends on how much of the required information you have on hand when you complete the form. While every institution is different, for most it will take an average of approximately 30-60 minutes to complete the Institutional Profile.

The questions in the Institutional Profile are available for reference 

Question: I am not sure how to answer some of the questions in the Institutional Profile. Where can I get assistance?
Answer: The Program Lead is happy to answer any questions you have throughout the application process. They can be reached at  or 780.424.2626.



Question: What is the deadline to submit an Application?
Answer: The deadline for Applications is November 30, annually. Click here to see a full breakdown of the application process.

Question: Can I get feedback on evidence before submitting?
Answer: Yes. The AMA offers Draft Review on any evidence submitted by September 15. Draft Review is submitted online using the same form you will use for the Application / Reapplication / Reapplication with Leader Application. To receive feedback, indicate in the first question that you are submitting the evidence for Draft Review.
Remember, with Draft Review you do not have to submit all of the evidence but it is encouraged to submit as much as possible in order to receive the most thorough feedback.

Question: How many pieces of Evidence are required for the Application?
Answer: There are fifteen pieces of Evidence in the Application. Ten pieces are Core Evidence - evidence submitted by all participants in RMP - and five additional pieces that support the Core Evidence.
The full breakdown of required evidence is available here.

Question: My institution does not have all the evidence asked for in the Application. Can I still submit?
Answer: Yes. Institutions that do not have all the evidence are still encouraged to participate in the Program. However, an Application that does not include all the evidence will likely be designated a Candidate in RMP. Candidates in RMP have up to three years to resubmit evidence and have access to additional AMA resources as members of the Program. This includes limited access to the AMA Grants Program.

Question: Can I save my work on the Application and come back to it later?
Answer: Yes. Formstack allows you to save and resume working on your Application for up to 30 days. For more information, please refer to How To Use Formstack document found here.
We recommend that you compile all of your information using the workbook prior to beginning the online Application.



Question: What is the deadline to submit a Reapplication?
Answer: The deadline for Reapplications is November 30, annually. Click here to see a full breakdown of the application process.

Question: Can I get feedback on evidence before submitting?
Answer: Yes. The AMA offers Draft Review on any evidence submitted by September 15. Draft Review is submitted online using the same form you will use for the Reapplication. To receive feedback, indicate in the first question that you are submitting the evidence for Draft Review.
Remember, with Draft Review you do not have to submit all of the evidence but it is encouraged to submit as much as possible in order to receive the most thorough feedback.

Question: How many pieces of evidence are required for the Reapplication?
Answer: There are ten pieces of Evidence in the Reapplication. All ten pieces are Core Evidence - evidence submitted by all participants in RMP. If your institution indicated it changed collections management systems in the past five years, two additional pieces of evidence are required: Section 5.2 Page from Accession Register and Section 7.2 Three Catalogue Records.
The full breakdown of required evidence is available here.

Question: My institution does not have all the evidence asked for in the Reapplication. Can I still submit?
Answer: Yes. Institutions that do not have all the evidence are still encouraged to participate in the program. However, a Reapplication that does not include all the evidence will likely be designated a Candidate in RMP. Candidates in RMP have up to three years to resubmit evidence and have access to additional AMA resources as members of the program. This includes limited access to the AMA Grants.

Question: Can I save my work on the Reapplication and come back to it later?
Answer: Yes. Formstack allows you to save and resume working on your Reapplication for up to 30 days. For more information, please refer to How To Use Formstack document found here.
We recommend that you compile all of your information using the workbook prior to beginning the online Reapplication.


Reapplication with Leader Application

Question: What is the deadline to submit a Reapplication with Leader Application?
Answer: The deadline for Reapplication with Leader Applications is November 30, annually. Click here to see a full breakdown of the application process.

Question: Can I get feedback on evidence before submitting?
Answer: Yes. The AMA offers Draft Review on any evidence submitted by September 15. Draft Review is submitted online using the same form you will use for the reapplication. To receive feedback, indicate in the first question that you are submitting the evidence for Draft Review.
Remember, with Draft Review you do not have to submit all of the evidence but it is encouraged to submit as much as possible in order to receive the most thorough feedback.

Question: How many pieces of evidence are required for the Reapplication with Leader Application?
Answer: There are eighteen pieces of Evidence in the Reapplication with Leader Application. Ten pieces are Core Evidence - evidence submitted by all participants in RMP - and eight are additional pieces of evidence that demonstrate leadership in best practice for museums.
The full breakdown of required evidence is available here.

Question: My institution does not have all the evidence asked for in the Reapplication with Leader Application. Can I still submit?
Answer: Yes. Institutions that do not have all the evidence are still encouraged to participate in the program. However, a Reapplication with Leader Application that does not include all the evidence will likely be designated a Candidate Leader in RMP. Candidate Leaders in RMP have up to three years to resubmit evidence and have access to additional AMA resources as members of the program. This includes limited access to the AMA Grants Program that fund projects to help fulfill your RMP requirements.

Question: Can I save my work on the Reapplication with Leader Application and come back to it later?
Answer: Yes. Formstack allows you to save and resume working on your Reapplication with Leader Application for up to 30 days. For more information, please refer to How To Use Formstack document found here.
We recommend that you compile all of your information using the workbook prior to beginning the online Reapplication.


Further Questions

If you have further questions, please contact the Recognized Museum Program Lead at or 780.424.2626. 

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